Your Skin Reveals A Lot About Your Diet And Overall Health

The real fountain of youth is the sum of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Without this foundation, no topical care will last for your skin’s appearance.

You must know what to eat and avoid when it comes to proper nutrition for healthy, youthful skin. For example, sugar, refined carbohydrates and fructose unbalance the metabolism, leading to resistance to insulin and leptin, which have their production increased and are great accelerators of aging processes and excess weight. That’s why it’s essential to keep your levels low to look youthful, have a leaner body, and be in optimal health. Tobacco and alcohol, as well as drugs in general, are enemies of glowing skin. Also, avoid soft drinks, processed foods, meats, trans fats, table salt and pasteurized dairy products.

Cleansing The Skin Starts Inside The Body

To have “good skin”, it is essential to eliminate harmful and toxic substances from the body and, at the same time, ingest nutrients in adequate proportions. Organs that help maintain beautiful skin include the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid and the large and small intestines. The liver and kidneys filter impurities continuously. If your diet is inadequate, these two organs can quickly become overloaded, leading to wrinkles, bumps and other skin problems. The adrenal glands produce many essential hormones such as pregnenolone, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Hormonal imbalances can also result in problematic skin conditions. The thyroid gland produces hormones and works closely with the adrenals to create energy. Dry skin, scaly skin and slow metabolism can be evidence of a weak thyroid. The small and large intestines supply nutrients to your organs and remove waste from your body. When waste products destined for elimination remain in the intestines, the skin becomes thick, oily and blotchy. Clean, flawless skin is typically a reflection of clean bowels.

Why Do Foods Have Such A Profound Impact On Your Skin?

A healthy diet suited to your lifestyle, focusing on organic and bioavailable foods, preferably seasonal products, is an excellent strategy to detoxify naturally and provide the necessary nutrients that the body needs.

Fruits, Nuts and Seeds = Avocado, Hazelnut, Almond, Cashew Nut, Peanut, Brazil Nut, Pumpkin Seed, Pistachio, Sesame, Sunflower Seeds. You may need to increase your dose in the colder, dry winter months. If necessary, seek medical advice for supplementation with nutraceuticals. Water and Fruits. Dry skin can also mean a low intake of pure water. Staying hydrated is key to having good-looking skin. A minimum of 8 glasses a day is recommended, about 1.6 liters. (Water with a pH above 7.5 is preferred.) Fruits are rich in water and nutrients (including essential minerals) and promote the optimal functioning of your natural detoxification systems. Some important sources:

  • Coconut water = Rich in potassium, a fundamental mineral to maintain skin hydration.
  • Watermelon and Melon = Rich in water, mineral salts and vitamins are great natural moisturizers for the skin. Diuretics help the body eliminate toxins.
  • Papaya = Contains fibers that help in intestinal transit, facilitating the absorption of nutrients; Rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A, it is essential for cell renewal and tissue recovery, helping to keep the skin vibrant and velvety. In addition, it has an anti-acne effect.
  • Citrus fruits such as oranges = Contain phenolics, a bioactive compound that acts as an antioxidant. Contains fiber and plenty of water for intestinal health.
  • Apple = Contains large amounts of polyphenols, vitamin C, and pectin, a crucial fiber to retain water.
  • Vegetables Are Also Essential For Creating Healthy And Beautiful Skin
  • Asparagus and Celery = Add these vegetables to your diet and observe, in a few weeks, the improvement of dryness, cracks, inflammation and skin peeling. They are risks in vitamin B, which helps block moisture loss from the skin.
  • Watercress, Cabbage = Helps relieve eczema and skin rashes and contains vitamin C and anti-inflammatory substances.
  • Lettuce, Arugula = Rich in water and helps in the proper functioning of the intestine, making the nutrients of all foods better absorbed by the body.
  • Spinach = It has lutein that protects the skin from sun damage, acting as a natural sunscreen. Rich in beta-carotene and fiber, it contains reasonable amounts of chlorophyll, an essential substance for the body’s detoxification and cleansing process.
  • Tomato = It has lycopene that improves the skin’s microcirculation, favoring cellular nutrition.
  • Raw beetroot = Can be added to juice or salad daily and has an element called pyrrolidone carboxylic acid, which helps keep skin cells well hydrated. Contains Betaine, an enzyme that aids in proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts = Rich in calcium, zinc and magnesium, essential minerals for cells. It contains 3-indole-carbinol, a substance that prevents gene expression in cancer cells.
  • Pumpkins, Strawberry = Abundant in beta-carotene. The seeds are rich in Vitamin E and can be consumed as a snack. They help to clean the intestines.

Also Read: Get Clean Skin: 7 Tips To Improve The Complexion Of Your Skin

Cult Fits
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