Why Eating Fish Is So Healthy

Many cannot bring themselves to eat more than a few fish fingers. Marine animals have it all, especially high-fat species. They are a treat for the palate, but fish and seafood are more than that for many. Eating them is good for the human organism. Eating fish regularly can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and dyslipidemia. But not only that: Eating fish is also beneficial for cholesterol levels. These positive effects are probably due to the so-called long-chain omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

The High Proportion Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Low-fat fish species include cod, pollock, plaice and redfish. Per 100 grams of fish, their proportion of EPA and DHA is between 280 and 840 milligrams. High-fat fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring have a much higher balance of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. “Depending on the fat content, 100 grams of herring provides between 2,000 and 3,000 milligrams of EPA and DHA”. According to current data, 250 milligrams of EPA and DHA per day are sufficient to have a positive effect on the body.

What Else Is In Fish

Fatty fish species – with a fat content of more than ten per cent – ​​also include eel, sprat and Greenland halibut. The medium-fat fish species (fat content between two and ten per cent) have sea bream, char, sole, and carp. omega-3 fatty acids also have a positive influence on growth and brain development. They naturally thin the blood, improving its flow properties and preventing deposits from forming in the blood vessels.

Fatty fish filets also contain appreciable amounts of vitamins A (good for the skin, among other things) and D (for bone metabolism). In addition, additional vitamins can be found in the various types of fish. The vitamins niacin (energy supplier for the metabolism), B6 ​​(good for the development of nerve fibers, among other things) and B12 (essential for blood formation, among other things) are found in higher concentrations in sea fish filets.

The same applies to selenium and iodine – both trace elements are essential for optimal thyroid function. “Unlike freshwater fish, sea fish contain high levels of iodine, so that the average daily requirement can easily be covered with a 150-gram portion of sea fish filet”. According to them, suitable iodine suppliers are cod, pollock, mackerel and turbot.

Also Read: What Is Vitamin B12, And When Should It Be Supplemented?

Benefits Outweigh Moderate Consumption

In general, the red muscles of fish contain higher concentrations of vitamins and trace elements. Red-fleshed fish include herring, mackerel, sardines, and tuna. Speaking of tuna: it can be contaminated with mercury. The same goes for swordfish, cod, pike or hake. But that shouldn’t discourage consumers from eating these types of fish. “If you eat one or two servings a week, the health benefits outweigh the negative consequences of possible exposure to mercury and other pollutants”. What also speaks in favor of eating fish: “Fish is generally more digestible than meat because the connective tissue content is less than two per cent”. In addition, there is a far greater variety of fish species on the market than there are meat-producing land animals.

Bake Fish Fingers In The Oven

This wide range of fish species opens up a variety of taste experiences. There are also countless ways to prepare the fish. One of the healthier cooking methods is steaming, i.e. boiling. “If fish is fried, then oil should be used sparingly”. Refined oils such as rapeseed oil are suitable for frying at higher temperatures because they are heat-stable.

If the fish is breaded, the breading absorbs a lot of fat. Children in particular, who often like to eat fish fingers, then consume a lot of fat over a meal. On average, five fish sticks from the pan provide 80 per cent of the fat that children should eat at most in the main meal. “It’s better to bake the fish fingers in the oven,” explains Knips. This saves a lot of fat.

Be Careful With Raw Fish

Caution is advised when consuming raw fish products. “Wild fish can naturally contain parasites,” They are killed by heating or freezing at minus 20 degrees for several days and then no longer pose a health risk to humans. If you want to prepare sushi dishes at home, you should ask the fishmonger for raw but previously frozen sushi- or sashimi-quality fish. “Raw fish filet for sushi should be as fresh as possible and not have been on ice in the sales counter for days’ ‘.

It is also essential to pay attention to a recognized sustainable origin to support environmentally friendly fishing when buying fish. Seals from several organizations and associations, such as the MSC seal, provide clues.

Alternatives To Fish

But regardless of whether fish is raw, cooked or fried, some people don’t like to eat it. But don’t worry. You can also meet your omega-3 fatty acid requirements through diet. “Particularly cold-pressed oils such as linseed oil, rapeseed oil or walnut oil are good examples of this”. Regular consumption of nuts and seeds can also cover the need for omega-3 fatty acids.

“Fish oil capsules as a dietary supplement are usually superfluous”. They do not prevent heart attacks or strokes. Excessively high doses of omega-3 fatty acid products pose significant health risks. Interactions with other medications cannot be ruled out either. As for vitamin D: besides sea fish, this type of vitamin is found in eggs, mushrooms and special margarine. “Staying outside regularly also ensures that the body forms vitamin D”.

Also Read: Vitamin C – An All-Round Genius

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