What Does Proper Nutrition Mean?

A diet is correct and balanced when, daily, a series of suggestions and rules relating to the quantity, quality, and variety of foods eaten are followed. The daily energy intake must be adequate for calorie consumption, and all the nutrients (or nutrients) that allow you to obtain health benefits must be present in your diet.

Why Variety Is Important

Unfortunately, there is no food (if we exclude breast milk for babies up to 8/12 months) that can be said to be truly complete, that is, capable of satisfying all the nutritional needs of the human being. Therefore the most straightforward and safest way to be able to assimilate, in the right quantities, all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of our body is to vary the foods eaten and combine them most appropriately.

In Particular, Varying Foods Allows You To

  • Avoid nutritional and metabolic imbalances.
  • Break the monotony of meals that are always the same and satisfy the taste more.
  • Decrease the risk of developing some types of cancer.
  • Not having to resort to supplements of vitamins, minerals, or other substances (except, of course, specific needs assessed by your doctor).

Macronutrients And Micronutrients

Our body contains almost all the nutrients we find in food, divided into macronutrients ( sugars, fats, and proteins ) and micronutrients ( vitamins and minerals ). Water, despite being an essential element for many functions performed (and in the composition!) The human body is not considered a nutrient. To follow a balanced diet, it is advisable to take the correct quantities of macro and micronutrients and that the daily caloric intake is divided into specific proportions, independent of the energy needs of each of us.

This means that 15% of the calories we consume daily should come from protein, 25-30% from fat, and 55-60% from sugars. To help you better understand how to relate these suggestions to daily life, the site’s recipes include tables with the quantities of nutrients present in the preparation and pie charts that illustrate the composition of the formula in terms of fats, sugars, and proteins. The needs of the human body and the functions of the nutrients present in food

To Function At Its Best, Our Body Needs To

  • Keep its temperature constant and have the energy to spend on daily activities (including sleeping!). This function, called energy, is performed by fats, sugars, and, to a lesser extent, proteins.
  • Be able to repair any tissue damage and build new ones (for example, during growth and pregnancy). This function is called plastic and is carried out mainly by proteins and some types of fats, vitamins, and mineral salts.
  • Have defenses capable of countering attacks from external and internal agents (for example, infections). This protective function is carried out mainly by proteins, vitamins, and some types of mineral salts.
  • Develop the essential biochemical reactions for life (breathing, eating, digesting, moving, etc.). This function, called regulator, is carried out by proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, mineral salts, and water.
  • Accumulate a certain amount of reserve “material” from which to draw in case of need. This function, called reserve, is performed by sugars and fats.

Proper Nutrition For The Gym

Following a healthy and balanced diet should be a priority, regardless of the physical activity you do during the day, providing the body with all the necessary nutrients. Proper nutrition for those who play sports is essential, especially for competitive athletes, to ensure they never belong to any food. Carbohydrates supply the body with energy; the more you exercise, the more they are needed. If the sport is intense, the energy reserves are quickly depleted, so it is advisable to include carbohydrates in every meal. Proteins participate in muscle building, but not all proteins; therefore, if too many are consumed, the body will use them for energy. Most sportspeople are already getting enough protein in their diet without needing to increase them. To optimize their performance, athletes are advised to include snacks among the three main meals: those based on dried fruit should be preferred.

Also Read: Nutrition: You Should Eat These Five Healthy Fats More Often

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