“Uncle, why are you coughing? No need to be Fernand Raynaud to ask the question. Irritating, oily, or dry, it can take different forms but is always annoying; discover the remedies against cough. Here are some natural remedies that can help relieve a cough:
Coughing is the body’s natural reflex to clear the airways by expelling air and mucus.
The mechanism is interesting to know: we have a vagus nerve, which informs our medulla oblongata, located just above the spinal cord, that our airways are congested or irritated.
This then triggers the cough reflex. It tends to be brought about by a few elements, for example,
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There is not one, but many ways to cough. For those sensitive to melody, the cavernous cough is symptomatic of laryngitis, the characteristic whistling of bronchitis. The key is to clear the airways: commonplace winter coughs can turn into fits ( colds, angina, bronchitis), while others are symptoms of severe pathology (cancer, cystic fibrosis). Tobacco makes you cough, as does polluted air. In reality, and apart from cases of serious pathologies directly related to white coats, we cough in two ways: our cough is dry or oily.
Dry cough does not produce a secretion: it is caused by respiratory tract irritation due to the onset of a cold or an allergy. She often clears her throat. A wet cough frees the lungs of mucus that clogs them. This oily cough is therefore cleansing. It is often a symptom of an advanced cold or bronchitis. In either case, dry or oily, the cough is tiring. A fortiori if it is a baby who coughs. An infant may catch a cold or virus like an adult because his airways are not yet definitively formed.
Until the age of two, it is strongly discouraged to give cough syrup to a child. Other beneficial methods exist: gently cleaning his nose with physiological serum several times a day, having him sleep on a small raised mattress, or even on his deckchair. And, of course, renew the air in his room. If the air in his room is too dry, consider, for example, drying clothes there.
Of course, if this does not pass, go to the pediatrician. We do not tinker with the health of a small child: the cough exhausts him much more than you, often causing a loss of appetite.
In case of fever, which accompanies the cough of the minor child, it is imperative to consult. Finally, should we remember not to smoke in front of a child?
Now let’s come back with some more information about natural cough remedies. Honey, of course. Before or instead of rushing to the pharmacy, in the case of adults in any case, the reflex is, of course, to prepare a soothing and sanitizing hot drink. Thus the classic honey infusion: a zest of lemon juice and a spoonful of honey in hot water remains a timeless base for a good reason.
Eucalyptus is also excellent whether your cough is oily or dry: two drops of eucalyptus essential oil in warm water will soothe you. Drink up to three cups daily, and you’ll appreciate the difference.
Is your cough oily? Prefer myrtle in infusion and cutaneous application: on the bronchi and in the back. After eight days, you will be discharged. Above all, your cough will subside the same day.
Black radish thins bronchial mucus and promotes its elimination. It is recommended in case of a cough.
It is important to note that if you have a persistent or severe cough, it is recommended that you seek medical attention to rule out any serious underlying cause.