The Diet You Should Follow If You Suffer From Irritable Colon And Constipation

Do foods like hamburgers, ice cream, cashews, or lentils make you feel bad? Do you have abdominal pain and changes in traffic? Surely you have reached the point of feeling even insecure when it comes to living a normal life due to the symptoms you may experience. There are diseases that may be the cause of these problems as is the case of the colon irritable, also known as of the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The irritable colon is a set of symptoms that affect the intestine and can behave differently depending on who suffers from it. Two of the most common symptoms are the prevalence of episodes of

constipation, breakdown or diarrhea, or even alternation of episodes of both in short periods of time. If you have these symptoms associated with irritable colon, you will know how uncomfortable diarrhea is like constipation.

Both sometimes prevent us from leaving the house in fear of not finding a bathroom at hand or tortures us with the uncomfortable and painful constipation.

This syndrome is suffered by more than 20% of the Spanish population, and there are more and more different profiles of affected people. The sufferers are mostly middle-aged women, reaching young people and children.

Irritable Colon Diet: General Guidelines

Anyone with Irritable colon is aware that, just as stress and nerves aggravate symptoms, there are specific foods that also worsen them.

One way to control these outbreaks of discomfort and even pain is by eating a controlled diet while being thorough, with which we could get back to a calmer and healthier lifestyle.

But it must always be borne in mind that it is recommended to have and maintain a personalized diet for irritable bowel syndrome.

If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome with constipation, it is important that you go to your doctor or nutritionist to provide you with the routine that best suits your needs, but in a generic way it is recommended to follow some guidelines and a diet based on the following criteria :

Establish Good Habits In Your Routines

  • Try to keep a fixed schedule for your meals and try to always go to the bathroom at the same time.
  • Make frequent and less copious meals.
  • Eat slowly and chew food well, thus, they will fall less heavy on your stomach, you will have a good digestion and all your nutrients will be better absorbed.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. A sufficient supply of liquids will help fight constipation.
  • Before going to sleep, make sure that at least 4 hours have passed since the last meal.

Eliminate Some Foods

  • Avoid fried and battered foods.
  • Avoid foods rich in fat. It even removes the visible fats in meats such as chicken, ham, etc.
  • Do not drink carbonated drinks.
  • Avoid processed foods or meats such as sausages, cold cuts, etc.
  • Avoid spicy foods.
  • Decreases the consumption of fructose and sorbitol (sugars found especially in fruits).
  • Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and stimulant beverages like coffee and tea.
  • Avoid fruit juices and packaged fruit nectars.
  • Avoid chocolate, gluten, and eggs, in case you feel specific reactions to these foods. If so, consult your doctor about the convenience of celiac disease tests or intolerance tests.

Include The Following Foods In Your Diet

  • White meats (not abused).
  • Fish of any type (white and blue).
  • Add seeds, such as chia or flaxseed to dishes and drinks.
  • Carrot, apple, and olive oil are great friends!
  • You can take mild teas such as linden or lemon verbena, as they do not have a laxative effect.
  • Try to eat 2 or 3 times a week a plate of legumes, but remember, always very well cooked (not hard).
  • Eat a lot of fruit (apple, mango, banana, loquats, avocado, etc.) and vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, artichokes, green beans, zucchini, etc.). Choose fruits that are poorer in sugar and richer in pectin, such as an apple with skin.
  • Increases the consumption of soluble fiber (sweet quince, apple, food supplements of this type of fiber, such as Bifibran ) and moderates the consumption of insoluble fiber (from whole foods).


But above all, remember that despite following these tips, it is very important to practice physical exercise every day. This advice, valid for anyone, is even more important for people with irritable colon. In addition to being good for overall health and for reducing stress, it will help make your bowel movements more fluid and fight constipation naturally.

Also Read: 4 Ways To Burn Calories In A Healthy Way

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