Headaches During Pregnancy: The Best Tips And Home Remedies

As if the constant nausea wasn’t enough, many women also suffer from headaches during the first three months of pregnancy. Under normal circumstances, one would reach for the pill. But that’s not a good idea when you’re pregnant. Or?

The hormonal changes cause a lot of chaos at the beginning of a pregnancy. Not only does it often cause nausea and heartburn, but many women also suffer from headaches during (early) pregnancy.

Once the first trimester is over, the constant headaches usually go away. However, migraines can occur again and again during pregnancy. The causes are primarily harmless: too much stress, too little liquid, circulatory problems or a low blood sugar level.

Neck and back tension can also trigger headaches during pregnancy. They usually go away on their own after a few hours.

Headaches During Pregnancy: Which Medications Are Allowed?

However, pregnant women sometimes complain of headaches for a long time and prefer to take a pill. However, medication for headaches and migraines during pregnancy is only permitted to a limited extent and should only be taken after consultation with the doctor.

The general rule is: Paracetamol is permitted throughout pregnancy. It is considered to be well tolerated and does not harm the baby.

On the other hand, the painkiller ibuprofen may only be taken in the first two trimesters of pregnancy and not in the last third. Aspirin is taboo throughout pregnancy.

Also Read: Why Can Libido Explode With Pregnancy?

These Home Remedies Help Against Headaches During Pregnancy

If the pain is not too bad, pregnant women should first try to drive away the headache with home remedies. A cold, damp cloth on the forehead or neck can cause discomfort. Even a few minutes of extra rest can already alleviate symptoms. If pregnant women have the opportunity to lie down and close their eyes for a short time, this also helps against minor signs.

If headaches are caused by tension – caused by pregnancy and the ever-growing belly – massage and heat pads on the tight areas will help.

Women who find it comfortable can also take a warm bath. But be careful: the water should not be too warm because circulatory problems are not uncommon during pregnancy. In addition, a second person should always be nearby if the pregnant woman needs help (to get out).

Pregnant women who don’t like a full bath may find a warm foot bath helpful. People prone to migraines and headaches often have cold feet. A warm foot bath, and this at regular intervals, can reduce symptoms.

Peppermint oil is also considered a good home remedy for migraines and headaches. However, essential oils should be dosed carefully and diluted during pregnancy, as they can pass into the baby’s blood via the placenta. If you want to take mint oil, you should put a maximum of two drops in a tablespoon of sunflower oil and rub this mixture on your temples, forehead or neck.

Prevent Headaches During Pregnancy

Relaxation, sufficient sleep and fluids can help expectant mums prevent migraines during pregnancy. These tips will help:

  • Drink at least 2-3 litres a day.
  • Spend time in the fresh air every day.
  • Get enough sleep (6-8 hours).
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet, preferably several small meals throughout the day.
  • Reduce stress.

Severe Headaches During Pregnancy? Off To The Doctor!

If the headache is severe, you should see a doctor. In rare cases, these headaches during pregnancy can indicate preeclampsia (pregnancy poisoning). It can harm both mother and child if left untreated.

Other symptoms of preeclampsia include:

  • Excessive accumulation of water in the body (hands, face, feet)
  • Visual disturbances
  • Dizziness
  • High blood pressure
  • Rapid weight gain (more than 1 kg/week)
  • Restlessness
  • Pain in the upper or lower abdomen
  • Protein excretion in the urine (will be tested by the doctor)

As a rule, pregnancy poisoning, also known as gestosis or pregnancy poisoning, occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy (GW). It can also occur up to six weeks after birth. Regular participation in preventive medical check-ups helps to identify preeclampsia in good time.

Migraines In Pregnancy

Women who already suffered from migraines before pregnancy can also suffer such attacks in the 40th week. Although studies show that the altered hormonal balance can reduce migraine attacks during pregnancy, one is unfortunately not immune to this.

Before taking medication such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, migraine patients should not do this without first consulting their doctor. Ideally, one had already had a conversation with the doctor before such an event and talked about possible recommendations for action.

If you have an acute attack and no medical instructions, please do not take medication alone. In the case of severe pain, it is best to lie down in a darkened room and treat it with cold compresses and light pressure massages.

Also Read: Know The Risks Of ibuprofen During Pregnancy

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