Pelvic Floor Weakness – An Issue For All Women In Their Mid-30s

When you hear or read the term “pelvic floor,” you probably immediately think of pelvic floor weakness. Pelvic floor weakness, or pelvic floor insufficiency, is often only recognized when a consequence such as a bladder weakness occurs. Because the pelvic floor acts as a closure of the pelvis below and as a support for the internal organs, he is responsible for holding and releasing urine and stool.

What Is The Pelvic Floor?

But what is the pelvic floor anyway? As the name suggests, the pelvic floor is the lower part of the pelvis. A complex network of muscles and connective tissue connected to the pelvic bone gives the pelvic floor its stability. The pelvic floor structure resembles a shell bordered on the sides by the ischial tuberosity, in front by the pubic bone, and behind by the coccyx.

What Are The Functions Of The Pelvic Floor?

It acts as a closure for the pelvis and supports the internal organs. The pelvic floor has the main functions of tensing, relaxing, and holding up. This is how he ensures our upright posture. But the pelvic floor also has another function: thanks to it, our sphincter muscles of the bladder and intestines function properly, and there are almost no limits to fulfilling sexuality.

How Exactly Does The Pelvic Floor Work?

The pelvic floor does one thing above all: tense and relaxed. Because this function ensures the continuity of man and woman. Relaxation occurs during urination, bowel movements, and sexual intercourse. (Reflective) counter-holding occurs, for example, when sneezing, coughing, jumping, carrying, or even laughing.

Why Does Pelvic Floor Weakness Occur?

Pelvic floor weakness is usually noticeable through abdominal pain, a pulling sensation in the abdomen, or cramps. Urinary and fecal incontinence can also indicate pelvic floor weakness. A prolapsed uterus can also be symptomatic. It is not uncommon for women to lose their sense of pleasure.

The Pelvic Floor Is A Common Weakness In Women

Pelvic floor weakness occurs particularly in women who have hereditary connective tissue weakness. This is unusual: pelvic floor muscles lose some of their stability with age. But too much loss can quickly occur, resulting in pelvic floor weakness with the corresponding consequences. However, even younger women are not completely immune to pelvic floor problems – especially if they have given birth to several children within a relatively short period. In this case, the muscles can be overstretched, which can then weaken the pelvic floor.

Risk Factors For Pelvic Floor Insufficiency

But that’s not all: Complications related to childbirth – such as a perineal tear – can also affect the pelvic floor muscles and weaken them, as can hormone deficiency. In addition, heavy physical work can promote pelvic floor insufficiency. Even a chronic cough can permanently damage the muscles in the pelvic floor. Lifestyle factors (lack of exercise, obesity, severe mental stress, too much alcohol, smoking) should also not be forgotten – they can play their part in developing pelvic floor weakness.

How Can Pelvic Floor Weakness Be Treated?

Efficient treatment of pelvic floor weakness works best when the cause is known. If, for example, obesity and lack of exercise are the cause, you should immediately switch to other – healthier – lifestyle habits. If you want to try it sporty, you should primarily decide on swimming and cycling. With these sports, you are on the safe side. They should also integrate special gymnastic exercises into their daily routine.

What Does Pelvic Floor Training Do?

Pelvic floor exercises are easy to use and effective when done regularly. Therefore, if there is a weakness in the pelvic floor, experts advise doing suitable exercises in addition to the main therapy. Remember that smaller daily workouts are more effective than less frequent longer workouts.

Pelvic Floor Exercise Example

Just try the pelvic floor exercise “Lift the pelvic floor”: To do this, lie on your back. Your feet should be hip-width apart. Your arms should be relaxed beside your body, palms facing up. Now breathe out calmly and, at the same time, pull in your vagina or perineum. Then breathe in, opening them up again. Repeat this little exercise four to five times. On the next exhalation and closure, take the lowest lumbar vertebra and try to move it up using your pelvic floor muscles. Hold this position for a few seconds, then inhale and open slowly, letting the vertebra roll down.

Pelvic Floor Exercises For Beginners

If this gymnastic exercise demands too much effort from you at first, try to walk and sit as upright as possible in the future: Just walking and sitting upright benefits the pelvic floor and, thus, your health. If you also pay attention to a high-fiber, balanced diet and drink enough fluids, the pelvic floor will gradually boost your attitude toward life. Try it!

Pelvic Floor And Pregnancy

Especially during pregnancy and childbirth, the female pelvic floor faces major challenges – after all, it has to carry the uterus with the child. Great elasticity is needed here so the child can grow comfortably and the pelvis can open for birth.

Conclusion Pelvic Floor Weakness

Pelvic floor weakness affects many women over 30 due to anatomical factors. However, regular pelvic floor exercises and minimizing risk factors can improve symptoms. Therefore, it is not advisable to accept pelvic floor weakness but to check all treatment options and options with a doctor.

Also Read: Training And Nutrition Tips For Women

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