Is it possible to take a natural instant laxative at home? And if so, which ingredients are best to choose, and what precautions should be taken into account? Here’s what you need to know.
Natural laxatives are remedies for occasional use that stimulate intestinal peristalsis, promoting the evacuation of stools and making them softer. They, which are commonly found on sale both in pharmacies and herbalist shops, are found in the form of tablets, preparations, supplements; in some situations of evident intestinal discomfort or in conjunction with episodes limited in time (for example, when you suffer from occasional constipation due to a trip or a change in your eating habits), it is possible to use a home laxative, keeping in mind however that hiring a do-it-yourself purge can have in the long run negative consequences on one’s intestinal regularity.
To avoid constipation, it would be enough to respect a healthy lifestyle, favoring foods rich in fiber (such as vegetables and fruit), drinking at least two liters of water a day, and practicing physical activity. However, in some cases, this may not be enough, so adopting a home remedy can help in an emergency. On the market, there are many preparations based on specific herbs or natural substances with a purgative action. Among these, the most widespread are:
Before taking any home purge, it is essential to pay attention to the preparation methods indicated by the pharmacist, herbalist, or reported on the package and not to exceed the expected doses.
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Herbal teas represent an excellent immediate natural laxative, also because they gently act on the intestine without causing annoying side effects. Among the herbs most used to prepare them are:
A further fundamental aspect to consider when suffering from constipation, which, at least in less severe cases, can constitute an actual immediate do-it-yourself laxative, is the type of diet you follow. Introducing certain foods, in fact, can actually cause an improvement in intestinal motility and promote the expulsion of feces. The most recommended foods for this purpose are:
Immediate do-it-yourself laxatives represent a helpful solution when you are looking for an emergency remedy that resolves the situation in a short time. Although a correct lifestyle and a diet rich in fiber represent the most effective form of prevention, in some cases, there is no time for the plant-based diet to take effect. For this reason, you can resort to a natural do-it-yourself purge, which has an aggressive action on the intestine, forcing it, in a certain sense, to activate peristalsis.
To fully exploit their laxative capacity, it is advisable not to abuse them or take them regularly but only introduce them on a completely exceptional basis. Furthermore, it is always necessary to carefully respect the instructions on the packaging and put into practice the recommendations of the pharmacist or herbalist, taking care to consume a sufficient quantity of liquids (at least 1.5 liters of water per day) without exaggerating the doses.
Natural laxative methods are widely used; however, to use them without risk, it is necessary to keep in mind some indications. First of all, before taking them, you should ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice, as some of them may be contraindicated. Senna, for example, should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women, children, or people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. Furthermore, many remedies could be excessively stimulating or give rise to annoying contraindications. People who should be careful when using home laxatives include:
The negative consequences of incorrect or too prolonged use of do-it-yourself purges or other methods to induce fecal evacuation include:
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