Metabolic Types: The Best Workout For Your Physique

Have you already dealt with your metabolic type? It gives essential advice on eating optimally and how best to exercise. Find out if you are ecto-, meso- or endomorph – and what that means for you!

Do you train regularly and pay attention to your diet, but losing weight or building muscle doesn’t work out?

The Three Metabolic Types, According To Sheldon

In the 1950s, the psychologist and physician Dr. William Sheldon his theory of the three body types: According to this, all people can be assigned to one of the three categories “ectomorphs,” “mesomorphic,” or “endomorphic.”

The basis of his model: Sheldon analyzed the development of the cotyledons in embryos and compared them with their later body structure.

Cotyledons And Physique

In the earliest growth phase in the womb, three cell layers form – ectoderm (outer layer), mesoderm (middle layer), endoderm (inner layer) – from which the different structures, tissues, and organs ultimately arise.

According to Sheldon, the development of these cotyledons impacts the physique and metabolism of every human being.

What Do Metabolic Types Tell Me?

The division into the three body types is not entirely undisputed today and is out of date from a medical point of view.

The model is still used in the fitness environment: It can help you to optimize your training and nutrition plan.

It is possible that knowing your metabolic type is the missing piece of the puzzle to achieve the desired progress finally.

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Determine Your Body Type

Read the descriptions below carefully and determine your body type based on the characteristics. Our related recommendations can give you important pointers for your training and diet.

Of course, there are also mixed forms. Just see which type suits you best or where you have the most overlaps.


Fast metabolism and slim physique characterize the ectomorph type. He is slow to put on muscle or fat and has difficulty gaining weight.

These characteristics make you:

  • Narrow chest, shoulders, and hips
  • Short torso
  • Long, thin limbs
  • Narrow feet and hands
  • Low body fat percentage
  • Faster metabolism

Nutrition plan for the ectomorph type

The following applies to the ectomorphic type: more carbohydrates and proteins, fewer fats. Increase your calorie intake to gain mass over the long term.

Pay attention to high-quality foods, i.e., complex carbohydrates such as whole-grain products, sweet potatoes, or rice.

Proteins should also be part of your diet. Important protein sources are animal products such as eggs, quarks, cottage cheese, and plant-based foods such as legumes, nuts, or pseudo-grains (e.g., quinoa).

Protein shakes after training could also be helpful for you.

Training plan for the ectomorph type

Your focus should be clearly on strength training: Supersets(approx. 6 to 8 repetitions of 5 sets per exercise) with heavy weights can help you build muscle mass. Focus on the major muscle groups and train three to four times a week.

It would help give your body enough time to regenerate between training sessions. This is the only way for the muscles to grow.

Endurance sport is somewhat counterproductive. Reduce cardio units to one to a maximum of two times a week and then go for low-intensity workouts instead of HIIT.


The mesomorphic type has an athletic figure, tends to build muscle quickly, and has little difficulty maintaining weight. Men typically have strong hair growth.

These characteristics make you:

  • Broad chest and shoulders
  • Long torso
  • Pronounced V-shape in men, X-shape in women
  • Big hands and feet
  • Distinctive facial features
  • Defined, strong muscles
  • Low body fat percentage (mainly on the lower abdomen and hips)

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A nutritional plan for the mesomorphic type

A diet with sufficient carbohydrates, fats, and proteins is the best way for you – the golden mean.

Control your calorie intake according to your goal: reduce your intake if you want to lose weight. If you’re going to gain weight, increase the proportion of carbohydrates. To build muscle, you should increase your protein intake.

If you want to maintain your weight but still want to change your diet a little, you could try intermittent fasting. In general: find a healthy balance and supply your body with all the essential nutrients.

Training plan for the mesomorphic type

When it comes to sport, you are right in the middle of the picture: a combination of strength and cardio training benefits your figure in every way. You build muscles and increase your endurance.

In addition to a varied workout in the gym, HIIT is ideal for you. Just like boxing, kickboxing, or martial arts.

Train three to four times a week and, depending on your personal goal (toning, building muscle, or losing weight), focus on your areas.


The endomorphic type is broad and has a slow metabolism. It is easy for him to build muscle. On the other hand, he also quickly gains fat mass.

These characteristics make you:

  • Broad chest, shoulders, and hips
  • Strong limbs
  • Big hands and feet
  • Round face
  • Hardly any muscle definition
  • High body fat percentage
  • Slow metabolism

A nutritional plan for the endomorph type

The following applies to the endomorphic type: more proteins and fats, fewer carbohydrates.

The goal should be to balance your hormonal balance and boost your fat burning. To lose weight, you can start by building a calorie deficit.

In the long term, you should consciously focus on a balanced diet with high-quality food – lots of fresh, especially green vegetables from the region, good sources of fat (e.g., avocado, nuts, linseed oil, cold-pressed olive oil), and complex carbohydrates.

You could try vegan cuisine and should generally avoid refined sugar.

Training plan for the endomorphic type

If you have the goal of losing weight, you should focus on strength and endurance training. The endomorphic type is made for bodyweight training that strengthens and boosts the metabolism.

Have you tried HIIT before? Otherwise, combine two to three cardio units a week with strength training in the gym. Work with moderate weights and high repetitions (15 to 20 per exercise, 2 to 4 sets).

Strength training helps you increase your basal metabolic rate and burn energy even when you are resting.

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