Know The Running Tips For Beginners And Professionals

Some run to get rid of stress, others to keep fit or shape. No matter the reason for getting the best out of yourself and getting into running. There is only one coach worth it: fun.

At first, running may seem like a problematic sport: learning to run also means listening to your body, its limits, and it’s potential. But with a little patience, the body begins to manage the physical effort better. This is when we start to reap the benefits and experience the pleasure of running.

Only here is: how to get there? How do you go about achieving this point of balance where running rhymes with physical and psychological well-being? Indeed, the most varied advice circulates, from training methods to food. For neophytes and experienced runners, it is not always easy to navigate.

Follow our guide for good preparation for running. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced jogger, to progress, better recover, activate the metabolism, better equip yourself: find out the information to prepare yourself well and stay ahead.

Also, learn how to choose the most suitable running shoes for your requirements. Because yes: The ideal running shoe does not exist, a good running shoe is a shoe that meets the needs of the individual runner.

Running Tips For Beginners

You are new to running. Before embarking on physical activity, it may be advisable to consult a doctor to assess your state of health.

This precaution is even strongly recommended if you smoke. You are over 45 years old, and you suffer from particular diseases like hypertension, diabetes if there is a history of heart problems in your family, etc.

Here are three tips for getting off to a good start if you are new to running with that precaution taken.

Breathing: Especially not to be out of Breath

This is the primary difficulty when you are a beginner. You start to run; you quickly find yourself in debt of oxygen (asphyxiation) from 7 or 8 minutes of running.

  • Many beginners to running start too quickly, and find themselves in a “red zone” beyond their maximum aerobic speed, short of breath: you have to slow down until you can say “but for whom are these snakes whistling on our heads? “.
  • Paradoxically, we often inhale too much and do not reject enough “stale” air. There are 2 “tips” to regulate your breathing better:
  • Open mouth to inhale through both mouth and nose; without forcing while keeping the belly flexible.
  • Lengthen the exhale: breathe for a long time through the mouth without jerking while drawing in the stomach to empty the lungs.

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Learn to Relax

In the beginning, we often desire to achieve the objective set, strained in our effort. From the first sessions, learn to relax the muscles that are not directly involved in the step (those of the face, shoulders, arms, hands).

This helps to adopt a more relaxed, more enjoyable race and very quickly a more efficient race with less oxygen consumption. The economy of movement is one of the keys to passing the problematic level of effort to pleasure.

Progress and Cadence

It is by running that you become a runner! Regularity allows the body to get used to the effort and raise the performance level more surely than forcing oneself to exhausting sessions.

  • To activate the metabolism: feeling the sweat bead is sufficient.
  • At least two sessions per week.

The progression must be reasonable and take place in stages: 15 minutes then 20, to reach 40 minutes and more.

Short (or medium) sessions, but relatively close together, promote the initiation of a cascade of physiological and neuro-hormonal events allowing entry into the virtuous circle of better physical condition.

To avoid: bringing the running sessions too close (by wanting “too” to do well), and not giving the body time to recover sufficiently. We recommend a minimum of 48 hours between two outings to be extended as we get older.

Tips From Professional Expert

If you run for less than 45 minutes, is that pointless?

Wrong, running will always be beneficial. Twenty minutes of running a day are excellent for the heart, the muscles, and the mind. And much better than doing nothing. It is even quite clever because we do not attack the organism, we are only for pleasure, we have neither time to suffer nor to be bored!

Do you need a heart rate monitor, and how do you use it?

The heart rate monitor is not essential. And unlike the choice of shoes, the most basic model is sufficient.

Who is the heart rate monitor most useful for?

It is interesting for those who want to improve and move up to the high level. It allows precise targeting of ranges to work aerobically in interval training.

Suppose you do not know your MAS (maximum aerobic speed). In that case, you can use the formula: 220 – age, which represents the maximum heart rate not to be exceeded at + or – 5 beats near, and work your endurance between 70 and 80% of this frequency, and push to 90 or even 100% when doing interval training.

Otherwise, most practitioners should listen to your body and the signals it sends. To stay in an aerobic yet effective workout, you need to sweat while speaking an entire sentence out loud and intelligibly.

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Top Athletes do Cryotherapy for Recovery. Does that mean a Sauna is a bad idea?

Cryotherapy is aimed at a sports elite and requires concrete (and rare) equipment, in addition to a medical environment. “Real” cryotherapy (at -110 ° C) has surprising results due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. This thermal shock technique stimulates defense hormonal secretions, accelerates recovery and regeneration, and even physical performance.

The sauna remains a simple, practical, and accessible means for everyone to evacuate toxins through sweat, especially if you alternate hot and cold. However, the results remain moderate.

Of course, for the ordinary person, it is not recommended to embark on this kind of recovery like that overnight without medical advice.

Some Stretches are Contraindicated during the Warm-up. So how do you Warm up your Muscles?

The stretching required long pushed to their maximum and are strongly discouraged during heating because they lower the level of muscle tone and proprioceptive abilities, which increases the risk of sprains. It is preferable to warm up very gradually: walking, jogging, performing a few chased steps. Gradually increase the pace. Some active and dynamic stretches (lunge type) at the end of the warm-up are welcome. This is the only time when jerk (controlled) stretching is relevant.

Running to Lose Weight, is it good?

For people who are very overweight, running is not recommended regardless of the technique used. There are many other activities to focus on, such as Nordic walking, for example. But one thing is certain; these people need to increase their physical activity.

Do they say that running on an empty Stomach is an excellent way to “Lose” Fat?

Yes, possibly, and only for those who can do so without suffering from hypoglycemia. The idea is interesting as long as you get to know each other, and do it gradually: you start over short periods, at a gentle pace. And you take a sugar, a cereal bar in your pocket just in case. And above all we remain attentive to his feelings.

Above all, it is a good adaptation training for the body because it is encouraged to look in its reserves to put itself in “destocking” mode, which it is no longer used to doing.

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