To prepare for your pregnancy, you can start by putting the odds in your favour by banning cigarettes and alcohol from your daily life.
First, you should know that tobacco causes a decrease in fertility and an increase in miscarriages. And just like alcohol, tobacco increases the risk of preterm birth. And low birth weight babies. Smoking can increase the risk of genetic abnormalities.
Even if it takes excessive alcohol consumption to talk about fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), the first drink’s harm is felt. So do not be embarrassed at the idea of firmly refusing the cut, which nevertheless seems harmless.
You hear and read everywhere that you have to eat a balanced diet. But concretely, what does this mean? The organism is nothing more or less than a machine requiring fuel to function. This fuel is broken down into three main categories of nutrients that go into its composition: proteins (or proteins, made up of amino acids), lipids (fatty acids) and carbohydrates.
It would help if you ate everything, but reasonably and not for two because the fetus will take only what it needs. Do not forbid yourself any authorized food.
The water necessary for basic physiological needs is your ally. The recommended minimum daily 1.5 litres helps prevent urinary tract infections favoured by pregnancy.
Our advice :
These foods are likely to carry hazardous bacteria for the fetus: listeriosis ( Listeria Monocytogens ), causing an infection that sometimes goes unnoticed, similar to the minor flu.
As soon as you tell your doctor about your pregnancy, he will prescribe vitamin B9 (also called folic acid or folate), which increases during pregnancy. Although naturally present in certain foods (spinach, egg yolk, liver), it must be supplemented by external contributions because the human body cannot produce this vitamin.
The deficiency of folic acid can cause neurological problems in the unborn baby (a closed neural tube defect and a risk of spina bifida for families at risk). Vitamin B9 is also prescribed in some cases of miscarriages repeatedly.
You may also be prescribed a single dose of vitamin D at the start of the 7th month of pregnancy to reduce the risk of fetal rickets. Depending on your needs, iron, magnesium or other vitamins will be offered in various forms.
Note that some doctors also often prescribe iron and sometimes a little iodine as a food supplement.
Warning: There is nothing trivial about taking vitamins indiscriminately. In principle (unless you have a deficient diet), this is unnecessary; the superfluous will be eliminated in your urine anyway. You should not take specific vitamins without medical advice, particularly vitamins A and D and their derivatives.
Perhaps you will be sickened by certain foods for which you would have damned yourself, or on the contrary; you will want a dish that would have made you flee.
It may be that nausea compounded by an empty stomach, disrupting the early months of pregnancy. To remedy this, there are practical as many solutions as there are pregnancies.
Our advice against nausea:
Essential hygiene advice is even more valuable when you are pregnant.
Pregnancy is a good time for gingivitis and cavities. Contrary to popular belief, we do not pay for a pregnancy with a tooth:
Once you have decided to enter the period of conception, you cannot be sure if you are pregnant before the end of your cycle. This period during which we do not know if we are pregnant prompts us to wonder if we have taken any medication.
Our advice :
Also Read: Body Care During Pregnancy