How Mindfulness Makes You More Resistant To Stress

The more stressful your everyday life is, the more you should deal with the subject of mindfulness. Because: Mindfulness helps to cope with stress, ensures a clear head, and better concentration. Find out here which strategies promote mindful thinking and action and thus make you more resistant to stress.

The fact that mindfulness is of great importance in a world that is out of joint is not least due. The program of “coping with stress through the practice of mindfulness” (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, MBSR) is carried out by institutions worldwide and represents a tried and tested method for coping with challenging emotional life situations. There are now several other providers who offer mindfulness courses. Fortunately, there are plenty of techniques that you can easily integrate into your everyday life at home. Sharpen your senses with the following tips and make sure that stress does not arise in the first place:

Practice A Regular Morning Routine

The way you start your day is often how it goes. So it’s not surprising that many well-balanced people swear by a good morning routine. For example, get up a little earlier to have more time for a healthy, hearty breakfast, read an inspiring book, or do a little jog. Or you visualize in the morning how your rest of the day should go. You can also create a vision board, a visual presentation of your life goals.

Another essential part is to allow yourself a moment of rest in the morning. There are now many meditation exercises that you can choose from: lying down, sitting, standing, or walking. All of them help you to lose yourself less in the future. Try out walking meditation, for example, in which you become more attentive step by step and focus entirely on the contact of your respective foot with the ground. Especially at the beginning, it will not be easy for you to get rid of your stress switch off. So focus on a mantra as you walk, such as “let go.” Breathe in with “let,” breath out with “go.” If you have a strenuous project or conversation ahead of you, you can also come up with three adjectives on how you would like to face the challenge, for example: “powerful,” “sensitive,” and “focused.” In your meditation, you concentrate fully on these three words.

Follow The Course Of Your Breath

Has a situation arisen that threatens to overwhelm you completely? It’s so simple, but most people forget it: pay close attention to your breath. Try to inhale for ten seconds and exhale for ten seconds. You perform this rhythm for about five to ten minutes. After that, you will feel a lot more relaxed. Another breathing exercise that increases your serenity and general ability to concentrate is alternating breathing, called Nadi Shodhana. While breathing, alternately hold your right and left nostrils closed with your fingers.

Write An Inspiration Diary

Everyone is talking about the gratitude diary, but how about an inspiration diary? Get yourself an excellent little book that you enjoy writing in and ask yourself the following questions the evening before you go to sleep: What inspired me today? What surprised me today What touched me today? These questions will help you go through your everyday life more carefully and be much more aware of small details such as the chirping of birds in the early morning or a thriving section in a book.

Shake Yourself Once A Day

Did you know that humans are one of the few living things that don’t shake themselves regularly? As you observe animals, you will find that most of them shake after strenuous activity. We should do the same and integrate shaking exercises with arms and legs into our everyday life. If you have children, include them in this exercise. In this way, they can process negative feelings better and shake them out of their bodies, become more attentive in their minds, and more flexible in their posture. Sounds crazy? Just try it out and be amazed at the effect!

Strengthen Your Stress Resistance With Rose Root Extract

In phases of particular stress and when stress-related symptoms such as tiredness, exhaustion, tension, and irritability appear, in addition to mindfulness exercises, the additional intake of natural herbal remedies can help you. The medicinal plant roseroot has proven to be a constructive means of coping with stress. In clinical studies, the roseroot extract reduced stress-related symptoms such as tiredness and exhaustion. The study participants felt more productive and, at the same time, more relaxed.

Also Read: Mental Fatigue: When Constant Stress Makes Us Slow

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