Allowed too much pizza, burgers, and beer during Corona? This can quickly lead to a few pounds more – especially around the core. According to surveys, almost every third German is dissatisfied with their stomach. So it’s no wonder that so many dreams of deliberately losing belly fat. Unfortunately, here comes the bitter truth: It is impossible to lose weight or lose fat in just one part of the body.
But here comes the good news: With targeted abdominal muscle exercises and the proper diet, it is quite possible to optimize individual areas of the body and lose belly fat. The way there requires a little patience and, of course, a lot of discipline, but the dream of tough washboard abs doesn’t have to remain a dream.
It is not only beneficial for aesthetic reasons to reduce the circumference of the abdomen. According to doctors and health experts, belly fat, in particular, is the one that wraps around the organs. The so-called visceral fat is considered the trigger for heart attacks, high blood pressure, strokes, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, thrombosis, Alzheimer’s, and is even associated with cancer.
For your control: For men, a waist circumference of over 94 centimeters is considered unhealthy – if over 102 centimeters is dangerous.
The main causes of belly fat are quickly explained and are made up as follows:
To reduce belly fat, the following things will help:
Here’s how: Take a push-up position. Now lean on your forearms. Your elbows should be parallel below your shoulder. Your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your heels. The view goes towards the ground. Firmly tense your stomach and buttocks.
The plank or forearm support is one of the most effective exercises for shaping the entire body. The static exercise effectively trains the entire trunk, at the same time the back, leg, hip, shoulder, chest and gluteal muscles are strengthened.
This is how it works: Start in the high plank. Your hands are right under your shoulders. Hold your head in line with your back and keep your eyes on the floor. The feet are hip-width apart. Now alternately pull your knees towards the middle of your body in the direction of your elbows in a jumping movement. One leg is always straight while the other is bent.
The Mountain Climber is a great full-body exercise that places a special focus on the abdominal muscles. But other parts of the body are not neglected either. Because by holding the high plank, there is increased tension in some of the muscles. The following are trained: straight abdominal muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes.
Here’s how it works: Lie on your back with your arms stretched backward. From there, you try to bring your arms and legs together in the air. Make sure that your arms and legs are always straight. After folding up, you move back to the starting position at the same speed.