Do Not Give Up! Follow These Tips To Keep Your Diet Going

Stick to a diet? Many have already failed because of this:

  • The sport is neglected.
  • The goal is lost from sight.
  • The cravings are given more and more frequently.

We will tell you fantastic tricks to stay tuned finally.

Starting a diet is not that easy. Sticking to a diet is all the more challenging. The body doesn’t want to get involved with the lower calorie intake. The stomach is constantly growling; worst case, nothing happens on the scale at times.

All reasons to stop dieting and fall back into old, unhealthy eating habits. But do you want that? Now that you’ve been struggling for a while and are beginning to see success.

Sticking to a diet is easier said than done. But there are a few tips and tricks on how you can continue to lose weight despite all the difficulties and despite your weaker self.

And remember: Nobody should torture themselves with radical or crash diets – they are just unhealthy. A permanent switch to a healthy and balanced diet is better.

Antje Gahl from the Society for Nutrition gave us essential tips so that a diet works better and does not become torture:

  • Eat regularly
  • Breakfast in the morning
  • Have fruit and crispbread with you as an emergency snack
  • Do not make strict bans, but rather allow small amounts of chocolate and fast food and enjoy the meals

The Best Tips For Sticking With Your Diet

Get Active

Especially when you have already gained a few kilos and are finally getting closer to your desired weight, it is frustrating when the weight loss stagnates. Don’t worry about that. It’s completely normal.

What you should do now to stick with the diet is exercise. This distracts you in the evening and protects you from sitting in front of the TV and eating chips or chocolate out of frustration. Also, a nice side effect of the sport: You will find it twice as challenging to eat things with a lot of calories afterward. Or do you want everything you just kicked off right back on it?

Reward Yourself

Great, you’ve already managed to shed a few kilos. Instead of thinking doggedly about continuing, you should first reward yourself with a little something at each milestone!

This can be, for example, a visit to the theatre or cinema or an extended wellness day at the weekend. For more significant milestones, a weekend trip to a friend is also possible, which you have planned for so long. There is only one thing you should avoid as much as possible: Don’t reward yourself with sweets. Because this reward behaviour is one of the fattening ones and, therefore, something that you should cross off your list of habits right away when you start the diet!

Take Notes

If you haven’t already, keep a food diary in which you write down exactly what you eat and how many calories you eat daily. Decide beforehand how many calories you want to eat daily and stick to it.

This way, you always watch what you eat and avoid falling into calories! Just that one tiny candy bar? Watch out: it can mess up your calorie balance quite a bit.

Avoid Stomach Growling

Hungry in the supermarket? Not a good idea. You probably know that yourself. Nevertheless, many make a mistake – not only during a diet – of going shopping with a growling stomach. Suddenly things end up in the car that you don’t need.

It’s best to make a shopping list that you stick to strictly and don’t go shopping daily. The temptation is just too great. If you are hungry, eat an apple or a banana before you go shopping, this will banish the feeling of hunger for a while.

What you should also avoid: Going to the cinema, the theatre or a party when you are hungry. Also, you would love to eat greasy and sweet things lurking everywhere – but you should better keep your hands off!

Caution In The Restaurant

Especially during the pandemic, many did more sport, were more aware of their bodies, and paid attention to their diet. So if you have been on a diet for a long time, it is unavoidable that you will occasionally find yourself going to a restaurant. After all, you can go back to restaurants and among people. The best friend goes out to dinner with everyone on her birthday, grandma turns 80 and invites her to coffee and cake, her sister celebrates her exams with the family… And you? Of course, you’re celebrating, no question.

However, be careful not to hit the restaurant unrestrainedly and throw all good resolutions overboard. Think how angry you will be the next day when you’ve gone completely overboard. It is best to skip the starter and dessert and go for the main course. But it’s best not to choose pasta with cream sauce or fried food, but rather vegetables, a piece of meat or a delicious soup. A small mixed salad as a side dish – perfect! Regarding drinks, it is best to avoid alcohol (many calories!) and use fruit spritzers or water.

Down With The Candy

Are a few bars of chocolate lurking in the cupboard and the sugar-sweet cornflakes still there? Then let’s get out with it! Ban everything from your apartment that could lead you to glutton attacks in the evening after work or at the weekend.

There’s no point in hiding treats in the back corner – if you get hungry, you’ll dig them out anyway. Therefore: away with it. Yes, even that jar of Nutella you would never eat from with a spoon. Away with it!

Eat Mindfully

When you eat – and you should eat regularly – enjoy it. Chew slowly, bite by bite and enjoy the delicious meal you have prepared. By the way, it helps many people to always eat at the same time. So you can structure your everyday life better.

While eating, don’t distract yourself with the radio, television, or reading—all your attention should be on the food. This fills you up faster and avoids the vague feeling that you haven’t appropriately eaten because I distracted you.

Treat Yourself To Sweet Exceptions

Suppose you’re one of those enviable people who don’t like sweets or can quickly go without them, congratulations. For everyone else, the following is recommended: Don’t go entirely without sweets during the diet if you keep struggling with the craving for chocolate or chips.

Now and then, two to three times a week, a piece of chocolate is allowed. Not the whole bar, but two or three ribs are fine. You can share the table at the beginning of the week if you like. Everyone else should reach for the small chocolate bars in the supermarket at the checkout. It says exactly how many calories are in it, and you can fit one or the other bar into the diet week with a clear conscience. This is how you avoid cravings and bad moods!


If you’ve gained weight in the last few years and still own a piece of clothing that is now pinching – consciously put it on. Preferably on a day when your discipline leaves a lot to be desired. The pinching waistband or the exciting top will remind you that you want to lose weight all day long. And that is your goal, after all.

Fridge Trick

It’s an age-old tip, but it helps: if you tend to secretly go to the fridge and feast, stick a photo of yourself on the door. Best in a bikini or underwear. Then you ask yourself: Do I want to continue to look like this, or do I want to have a picture of myself very soon where I’m slim and slender?

An Important Note At The End:

Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which form of training suits you best. We only give you an overview. However, the following applies: an active lifestyle, with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise, is still the best way to stay fit and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.

Also Read: How To Improve Your Diet And Lose Weight With Health?

Cult Fits
CultFits is a resource which provides complete information regarding Fitness, Health, Fashion, Lifestyle, Proteins & nutrition's, Diet and also shares the Do's and don'ts for maintaining proper Fitness and Fashion.

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