Five Food Habits That Can Damage The Brain

Do not make a habit of the following foods. Numerous studies have shown that a diet is possible that can be harmful to the brain.

As always, the dose makes the poison. If a particular food were actually to damage the brain, it would not be food, and secondly, it would be forbidden. Therefore we speak of eating habits in the following. When certain foods are consumed persistently and in bulk, that diet has negatively affected the brain, memory, and development. Enjoyment is important. This also includes junk food or fruit gums – but everything in moderation. Based on numerous studies, it has identified five eating habits that are particularly harmful to the brain.

Tip Energy Drinks Daily

For many young people, energy drinks are part of the standard daily program. More than one can, too. But the mixture of sugar, caffeine, taurine and other artificial ingredients is particularly fatal for a growing brain. As early as 2011, scientists warned that the stimulants contained put the brain on constant alert, leading to a cycle of over-the-top and exhaustion. Last but not least, this also troubles the heart. In high doses, energy drinks can probably damage the blood-brain barrier (the most crucial protective barrier in our brain) and cause inflammation over the long term. At least that’s what a recent study with mice revealed.

Also scientifically proven: adolescents who consume a lot of energy drinks suffer above-average traumatic brain injuries. That has less to do with the drinks themselves, but with the intoxicating tendency to take risks that consumption (especially mixed with alcohol) brings with it.

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Diets Rich In Fried Foods And Other Trans Fats Are Harmful To The Brain

Trans fats are industrially produced fats from hydrogenated vegetable oils. They are used to make margarine and frying fat and are found in croissants, ready-made cakes, chips and cheap biscuits – and in everything (pre-) fried. Because they can withstand heat and cold, have a long shelf life and have a buttery consistency, trans fats appear appetizing. Their high daily consumption means – to put it drastically – more or less a slow death for the brain. Numerous studies have shown that trans fats promote dementia in old age, impair memory and memory at a young age, age the brain prematurely and even make it shrink. Even if there is a need for research in this regard, eating enough french fries, chicken nuggets, and co. With main meals, every day not only promotes nutrient deficiency and obesity and amounts to mental self-harm.

On top of that, many ultra-processed foods are flavoured with monosodium glutamate (glutamate). The flavour enhancer provides a meaty, full-bodied note, promotes cravings and makes it difficult to stop again. Whether a diet rich in glutamate is harmful to the brain is one of the most potent nutritional arguments. Still, stealing from your brain the experience of tasting pure, genuine flavours from refined foods is a terrible thing.

Eat Long-Lived Predatory Fish Several Times A Week

Mercury is a highly toxic heavy metal that can cross the blood-brain barrier and is deposited in brain tissue. From there, it attacks the central nervous system and gradually destroys brain matter. Mercury also crosses the placenta and can disrupt fetal brain development, resulting in irreversible development deficits in the unborn child.

Predatory fish show an increased level of mercury. They are at the end of the food chain and get relatively old. Because of this, they store more mercury than other species. Including tuna, shark (a no-go anyway), swordfish, eel or white halibut. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) therefore advises pregnant and breastfeeding women to avoid tuna. adults, in general, should not eat more than one serving of predatory fish per week.

Even if there are permissible limits – the mercury pollution of the oceans continues to increase. Furthermore, predatory fish are considered overfished. They only grow back slowly and should be spared. Better: bet on schooling fish such as mackerel. They multiply so quickly that they hardly absorb any mercury and are rich in health-promoting substances – such as omega-3 fatty acids, which protect the brain from harmful substances.

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High Carbohydrate Content From White Flour And Sugar

White flour, sugar and other, industrially heavily processed grain are also poison for the gray cells. They have a high glycemic index. This means that they make blood sugar levels skyrocket. Research has shown that even a single meal a day with a high glycemic load can impair memory in both children and adults. In the long run, they upset the hunger-satiated system and trigger inflammation in the hippocampus. People who get more than 58 percent of their carbohydrates from white flour and sugar are also twice as likely to develop dementia and mild mental disorders.

Diets high in refined carbohydrates can also be harmful to children’s brains. A 2011 study showed that children between six and seven who eat high levels of refined carbohydrates also perform worse on nonverbal intelligence.

Daily Diet Coke Or Coffee With Sweetener (Aspartame)

The artificially produced sweetener aspartame (200 times as sweet as sugar) is an old controversial topic and, in a way, also a belief topic. Aspartame is made up of phenylalanine, methanol, and aspartic acid. Phenylalanine is an amino acid and plays a vital role in brain function. Hence, it can cross the blood-brain barrier. Too much of it is suspected of disrupting the production of neurotransmitters. In addition, aspartame is a chemical stressor and can make the brain more susceptible to oxidative stress. People who eat incredibly high amounts of aspartame (more than 11 milligrams per day) are more irritable and more prone to depression, according to other research. The part corresponds to about one litre of diet lemonade containing aspartame. In animal experiments, the picture looks even more drastic.

Nevertheless, aspartame – in average amounts – is considered safe and harmless; studies confirm this. The Federal Office for Risk Assessment also sees no harmful risk to the brain or health, and this is probably not to be feared with a diet with reasonably small amounts. The question remains whether one wants to let an unnatural product, for which there is no need (not even a medical one), into one’s body – especially since the question of possible neurotoxicity, i.e. damage to the nervous system, has not been conclusively clarified. Even independent scientists from the renowned Harvard University have to admit that.

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