Metabolic Types: The Best Workout For Your Physique

Have you already dealt with your metabolic type? It gives essential advice on eating optimally and how best to exercise. Find out if you are ecto-, meso- or endomorph - and what...

Diet For Cystitis: What To Eat And What Foods To Avoid?

What are the foods to avoid with cystitis? Let's find some tips on how to regulate at the table with this disorder. Cystitis is a very annoying but also widespread pathology, especially...

Anti-Acne Diet: What To Eat And What To Avoid To Improve Skin Health

The appearance of acne is one of the many symptoms that tell us that our body is out of balance. But is there a real anti-acne diet that gives the possibility to...

Is It True That Honey Makes You Lose Weight? Here Is The Answer

Does honey make you lose weight or gain weight? This is the subject of controversy between nutritionists and experts. Some claim that love, thanks to the properties it boasts, makes you lose...

Should You Drop The Weight Between Repetitions Of A Training Set?

Many fitness enthusiasts think that what does not hurt cannot grow and, of course, train to muscle failure for increased strength and hypertrophy. The fitness professor explains why you can put the...

Losing Weight Relieves The Burden On The Heart And Circulation

Being very overweight promotes cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and heart failure / Tips for healthy weight loss.Being very overweight promotes the development of heart disease at a young age....