Sprouts: Properties, How To Grow Them & Why You Should Include Them In Your Diet

Sprouts are germinated seeds, also known as tender plants, and are considered "live food." Let's find out all about broccoli sprouts. Like horse feed and bean sprouts, broccoli sprouts are forces to...

How To Lose Weight If You’re On Vacation?

If you're on vacation and want to lose weight, there are a few helpful tips to consider. First, consider your dietary habits — on vacation, we tend to eat more, and we...

Common Myths About Vegetarian Weightlifters

As plant-based diets continue to gain popularity throughout the country and more and more delicious vegetarian and vegan food becomes accessible, many people wonder about some of the common misconceptions surrounding becoming...

What Makes A Healthy Protein Shake?

Before you decide on a protein powder, you should know where possible quality defects could be hidden. With the countless products that can now be bought everywhere, you quickly lose track of...

Instead Of Dieting: 5 Nutritional Tips That Demi Moore Swears By In Everyday Life

Actress and producer Demi Moore look just as fantastic at 58 as she used to. While she tormented herself with extreme diets in her younger years and downright starved for a role,...

Protein Powder: How To Use It For Bodybuilding

Getting the physique you desire depends on your workouts and what you put in your body. Nutrition provides the building blocks for your muscles, and protein is the main ingredient. For those...