Pelvic Floor Weakness – An Issue For All Women In Their Mid-30s

When you hear or read the term "pelvic floor," you probably immediately think of pelvic floor weakness. Pelvic floor weakness, or pelvic floor insufficiency, is often only recognized when a consequence such...

The Benefits Of Melatonin

Two world-renowned experts explain the relationship between melatonin and the pineal gland by providing. Melatonin: Walter Pierpaoli And Savino Marroccoli Many people resort to using melatonin to counteract various problems or restore harmony to...

Gastric Sleeve Complications: Sharp Pain On Left Side

Most patients who have had gastric sleeve surgery will experience discomfort in the days, weeks, and months following the procedure. Sharp pain on left side after gastric sleeve is a common complaint...

Sustainable Diet: 10 Green Tips

What Is Meant By Sustainable Development? The field in which sustainability acts is very vast. Speaking of food, we are referring to what we eat: how it is grown, bred, produced, and transported...

8 Most Common Misconceptions About Antibiotics

Antibiotics have been the main way of treating a variety of bacterial infections, against which humanity was absolutely powerless 150 years ago. The widespread use of antibacterial drugs has caused various misunderstandings...

Your Skin Reveals A Lot About Your Diet And Overall Health

The real fountain of youth is the sum of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Without this foundation, no topical care will last for your skin's appearance.You must know what to eat and...