Benefits Of Coffee

Coffee is an essential part of our diet, much is speculated about its harmful effects on the body but very few know about the real benefits that this drink brings to our body and mind. Here we offer you some of the benefits of coffee that are supported by various rigorous scientific studies:

  • Reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s: Regular consumers are less likely to have these neurodegenerative diseases than sporadic or non-consumers.
  • Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes: The most frequent in the West, and this reduction is linked to the number of cups consumed daily.
  • Bronchodilator: Asthmatics who consume coffee regularly suffer 33% fewer symptoms than asthmatics who do not.
  • Laxative: Everything is said.
  • Stimulant: Under the effects of caffeine, it improves short-term memory, reduces reaction time, incidental verbal memory, alertness (sustained ability to keep).
  • Antioxidant: To the extent that it is the most consumed antioxidant in the western world and contains more than most fruits and vegetables.
  • Vitamin content: B2, B5, magnesium, and potassium.
  • Antidepressant: May be due to its stimulating effect, but those who drink coffee regularly have 20% less depression than those who don’t.
  • Prevents cardiovascular accidents: In moderation, studies point out, regular coffee consumers have a 10% chance of dying from a cardiovascular accident.

Of course, excess coffee in the body has negative consequences for the body and mind. Insomnia, tachycardias, increased blood pressure, palpitations .

But, How Much Coffee Is Excessive?

It is a complicated answer, it depends on each body and tolerance to caffeine, and of course, we are talking about coffee without milk or sugar, so these data refer to coffee only without milk or sugar.

Also read: The 3 Best Recipes For Bread Salads

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