Ayurveda is much more than just a wellness hype. Those who use the traditional Indian art of healing benefit from a strengthened immune system and enjoy life with more energy and zest for life.
In addition to massages, yoga and meditation, nutrition is central to the Ayurvedic way of life. Ayurvedic food should detoxify the body, stimulate the metabolism, ensure more vitality and well-being in everyday life and even prevent diseases. We give seven tips on how to integrate Ayurvedic nutrition into everyday life.
Diet is an integral part of Ayurveda ( Veda = knowledge; ayur = of long life) and keeps the body functions, especially digestion and metabolism, in balance. According to Ayurveda, a balanced diet can bring body and soul into harmony, strengthen health and prevent diseases.
The three doshas (Pitta, Kapha and Vata) must be taken into account in the diet – these are diet types that determine which foods are suitable for whom.
Digestion is the focus of Ayurvedic nutrition. The food should be easy to digest and of high quality; finished products and alcohol are taboo. Meat is also largely avoided.
Typical Ayurvedic foods are ghee – the Indian butter alternative used for cooking – legumes, nuts, fruits, grains, seeds, and vegetables and dairy products.
Warm drinks like tea help get your metabolism going. Hot lemon water or golden milk (milk with turmeric) brings the body going right away in the morning. Ayurvedic nutrition provides two to three litres of water a day to drink!
Often, alleged feelings of hunger are cravings. Important in Ayurvedic nutrition: only eat when you are starving and stop as soon as you are full.
Try to chew each bite 30 times. This means that all six flavours (sweet, sour, salty, tart, bitter, spicy) are perceived more intensely. Besides, the feeling of fullness sets in faster if you eat consciously and slowly.
By the way, according to Ayurveda, you should eat either in peace or with friends and family in a nice atmosphere – Ayurveda meets Hygge, so to speak !
In order to optimally stimulate the metabolism, regular meals should be taken into account. Means: Cover the food with three dishes a day, there should be at least four hours between meals.
According to the Ayurvedic diet, the main meal should be taken at noon. Don’t hesitate to use foods with protein and fat. By the way, lunch should be cooked – ideally steaming or steaming to preserve the nutrients as best as possible. In general, raw food is avoided in the Ayurvedic diet because it is more difficult to digest.
Ayurveda recipes often contain:
To detoxify the body, it is necessary to go into a phase in which the body does not consume food – a so-called fasting phase. This meal break should last about twelve to 13 hours. The break is relatively easy to keep if you schedule it between dinner and breakfast.
The ten Ayurvedic royal spices, ginger, cloves, turmeric, coriander, saffron, cinnamon or cardamom, cumin, nutmeg and pepper, stimulate the digestive fire Agni and have a positive effect on the immune system and health. At the same time, spices and fresh herbs turn every recipe into a taste experience. Because every Ayurvedic meal should contain six flavours (sour, salty, tart, bitter, hot and sweet), that’s why spices are needed!
Small dessert after dinner? According to Ayurveda, diet is not necessarily optimal. Because sweet dishes are harder to digest, which is why they are often eaten before the warm main courses.
According to Ayurveda, the so-called doshas determine the individual diet. These are assigned to the five elements (fire, water, earth, air and space). There are three doshas which, in different combinations, make up a person’s diet type and should be taken into account in the diet: