7 Ways Addiction Impacts Your Relationship

Addiction has a stigma, particularly when it includes sexual relationships.

Any relationship, romantic or not, can be harmed by active addiction, and there are various ways addiction affects relationships.

Some people start out in relationships entirely sober, only to succumb to addiction later on.

Others who are actively addicted join relationships with partners who they believe can fix them and take it upon themselves to help them get sober.

Being a professional at VSM Detox for many years, I have had first-hand experience in seeing people go insane because of addiction and losing all their loved ones.

If you don’t want to end up like that, it’s time you find out how addiction impacts your relationships.

How Does Addiction Impact Your Relationships?

Addiction impacts your relationships in multiple ways. Unfortunately, you may not realize it now because you are in active addiction, which is why we are here to give you insights into how your relationships suffer when you are high.

1: Trust Issues

It’s just a matter of time until the significant other notices the difference between reality and fiction, given the heightened lying and deception connected with secrecy.

Because of the apparent lack of respect, honesty, and loyalty, the loved one may develop trust difficulties.

In a relationship, trust is necessary for emotions of safety and care, and a lack of trust may lead to various relationship-damaging difficulties such as fear, rage, jealousy, and resentment.

2: Secrecy

Due to overwhelming feelings of shame, guilt, and fear of criticism, someone who begins to use alcohol or other drugs excessively may not be publicly upfront about their usage.

They may believe that others will not understand or accept the circumstance, leading to a desire to keep their loved one in the dark.

At times, the level of concealment will rise to the point of full separation or isolation. Any relationship might be severely strained as a result of this.

3: Anger And Violence

As a relationship deteriorates, anger and violence might become a problem.

Frustrations will be high, but if a drug known to increase violence is being used, the scenario may become even more hazardous.

Living with an addict or alcoholic puts a loved one at danger of becoming a victim. Furthermore, a loved one living with an alcoholic or addict may experience increased frustration, leading them to exhibit rage or act aggressively towards the substance user.

4: Financial Troubles

It doesn’t matter what you’re hooked to, it costs money.

Someone who is actively addicted has most certainly found out how much their drug of choice costs, where they can obtain it, and how to pay for it.

Those who get hooked to addiction while in a relationship will learn these lessons at the cost of losing their partners.

Addicts who start their addiction in the middle of a significant relationship may turn to stealing money from shared bank accounts or even directly from a partner’s wallet, causing distrust and financial troubles.

5: Sexual Problems

Drugs not only impair libido and erections, but they may also lead to marital infidelity. Male libido, erection, ejaculation, and even fertility are all affected by drugs.

Although not all medicines affect sexual activity, some do reduce blood flow to the penis or inhibit spinal reflexes.

Addiction can lead to cheating on your relationship, in addition to physical consequences.

If you interact with other individuals who use, you may feel more connected to them, as if they understand what you’re going through, and turn to them rather than your non-using spouse when you need to fulfill your sexual cravings.

6: Addiction Of Other Family Members

Another effect of addiction on the family is the possibility that another family member will get addicted to drugs or alcohol.

Children who grow up in a home where someone in the family takes drugs are more likely to do so themselves. They imitate the example that has been established for them. Siblings may turn to drugs or alcohol to escape the upheaval in their homes.

Substance addiction frequently runs in families. There’s a good probability that a family will have more than one individual with a problem.

This produces a new addiction pattern, and the cycle begins all over again.

7: Codependency

One-sided partnerships are common in codependent relationships.

Someone who is codependent may be annoyed by their addicted loved one’s addiction habits and conduct, but they may also feel compelled to care for them.

The codependent is as dependent on the addict as the addict is on the codependent.

Enabling is common in codependent relationships, since the caretaker figure will frequently try to cover for the addicted person or fix their problems rather than taking them to detoxification centers.

What Are The Treatment Options?

  1. During a period of active addiction, it will be extremely difficult to start or sustain a productive relationship. Individuals who get addiction counseling and psychotherapy will obtain a greater knowledge of the impact of drug use on their mental, bodily, and social health, as well as discover coping mechanisms for substance use and build stronger interpersonal skills.
  2. Counseling for families and couples may be extremely beneficial since both parties can acquire and practice techniques that build a more desired connection by learning better ways to engage with one another.
  3. People in good relationships may work successfully together as well as apart. Support groups are a great way to spend time apart while remaining in a welcoming, compassionate setting. Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and SMART Recovery are all viable alternatives for those in recovery.

Make Amends Right Now!

Now that you have understood how addiction impacts your relationship, it’s time you put a full stop to it.

If you are having trouble quitting, seek professional help. But, if you are not ready to commit to the treatment process yet, you can always choose to confide in a trusted friend, adult, or partner.

However, if you need more information on addiction’s impact on your relationship, you can let us know in the comment section. We will get back to you with an answer in no time.

Also Read: How To Overcome An Addiction Problem In 10 Easy Steps

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